Complete hazardous waste disposal service.

Ingeco handles hazardous waste disposal in full compliance with regulations and the most demanding procedures.


Hazardous waste management.

We dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with the procedures specified by current regulations, devoting the utmost care and attention to each stage.

Thanks to the expertise of our technicians and staff, we guarantee safety at every stage of the service and accurate management of different types of hazardous waste.

An overall service: from bureaucracy to transportation to disposal.

We support companies at every stage of hazardous waste disposal:
- dealing with bureaucratic procedures.
- waste classification.
- collection and transportation of hazardous waste destined for recovery and intended for disposal in the appropriate landfills.
- delivery of documentation regarding proper disposal.


We operate according to the following stages.


To identify correctly and according to the current regulations the appropriate way to manage the waste, the treatment aimed at recovery, and the possible landfill suitable for the type of waste, the first step we take is aimed at defining:
- the classification of the waste, with the assignment of the correct EWC code (the European Waste List code), which classifies waste based on its origin and characteristics.
- the characterization of the waste, which defines it based on the process that produced it: raw materials, type of processing, contact with substances, chemical or physical transformations or reactions.


Having identified the waste and established the treatment and/or disposal methods, we will take charge of the waste, proceeding with packaging and labeling according to ministerial guidelines. We package waste differently according to type and hazardousness and label it precisely for accurate management.

The transport will take place using owned, authorized, and specific vehicles for the type of waste and its packaging, according to ADR (European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods) regulations, thus ensuring maximum safety.


Depending on the type of waste and the EWC code involved, we will either transport the waste to authorized facilities for recovery operations or deliver it to authorized landfills or waste-to-energy facilities suitable for the use of this type of waste.


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